Welcome to Rostrevor Physiotherapy & Acupuncture Clinic Rostrevor Physiotherapy Clinic is set in the heart of beautiful countryside and offers a peaceful and private centre for clients to come and receive physiotherapy, nutritional advice and acupuncture.
The clinic is fully wheelchair accessible and provides convenient parking for clients.
The Main Clinician of Rostrevor Physiotherapy & Acupuncture Clinic is Sheree P.O'Connor MCSP Lic. Ac , a chartered physiotherapist since 1980 and licensed acupuncturist since 1998.
As well as these respected qualifications, she also has a diploma in nutrition and is an orthopaedic specialist.
Her husband Eamonn O'Connor M.SSc. B.Sc.(Eng) is the Practice Manager and previously held management positions with a large multinational engineering firm.
Contact Us Today If you would like to know more about our services or products, please contact us today.